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Bromham CofE Primary School



Subject Roadmap

road map pshe inc eyfs.pdf


Core British Values

core british values.pdf

How do we teach PSHE?

PSHE Intent:

Bromham C of E Primary is committed to ensuring that all of the children access a broad and engaging curriculum, made accessible through the careful planning and differentiation that comes from the experience and knowledge of the staff at the school. Through the Coram Life Education (SCARF) program of study, children are taught how to develop confidence and responsibility and how to make the most of their abilities, how to prepare to play an active and positive role as citizens in the local community and wider world, how to develop a healthy and safer lifestyle and how to develop good relationships while respecting, understanding and accepting the differences between people. This includes learning about and understanding relationships and sex education. This is taught at an age appropriate level and is fully supported by both St Owen’s Church and Bromham Baptist Church. In addition to this, pupils from Year 3 onwards will also learn basic first aid including recognising signs of sepsis.

As a Church of England school with a values-based curriculum, all members of the school community are expected to follow and demonstrate the values in their day to day practice within school. This includes all members of staff, the children and any visitor to the school. Expectations are clearly modelled and shared and any inconsistencies are challenged through restorative justice by enabling the children to view these from the perspectives of others.

When teaching PSHE, our aims are:

  • to encourage children to interact with peers and members of staff and make and understand choices and consequences within a safe environment;
  • to encourage a sense of personal identity, through expressions of likes and dislikes and understand and accept that others may have different views or opinions;
  • to develop confidence in discussions and acknowledge difference of opinions calmly and fairly and develop conversational and problem-solving skills;
  • to develop an understanding of the purpose and importance of rules for safety and law and develop an understanding of society including relating to appropriate positive relationships;
  • to help the children recognise and demonstrate the appropriate way to behave around other members of the community;
  • to enable the children to recognise, challenge and seek help if they or a peer are being bullied;
  • to enable to children to recognise that they have an active role in keeping themselves healthy and safe;
  • to develop children’s understanding of the world around them through the use of questioning, enquiry and investigation in and out of context.

Special Educational Needs Disability (SEND) / Pupil Premium / Higher Attainers

All children at Bromham C of E Primary receive Quality First Teaching. Any children with an additional SEND or that is in receipt of pupil premium funding, may have additional or different work from their peers in order to access the curriculum dependent upon their needs. More able learners will receive challenges to deepen their think and understanding that often relate to others points of view. They may be asked to support peers and guide or challenge them in their thinking. The work will be structured so that all children reach the same learning objective. Furthermore, our school offers a broad and varied curriculum, providing children with a range of opportunities in order for them to reach and exceed their full potential and continue to make progress year on year.

At Bromham C of E Primary, alongside our high standards of teaching, we build on the children’s knowledge through their learning experiences both from within and outside of the classroom.

In EYFS, PSHE is taught through the new Statutory Framework for Early Years through the Personal, Social and Emotional development Early Learning Goals. This document covers the following key areas of learning; Self-Regulation, Managing Self and Building Relationships. These are then built upon as the children move into Key Stage 1 with the addition of other relevant units of work.

In Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – 6), PSHE is taught as a discrete lesson, once a week for 30 minutes. The topics selected reflect the statutory nature of the PSHE curriculum and build upon prior understanding and deepen the knowledge of the children. This ‘spiral curriculum’ enables the children to build upon prior knowledge at an age-appropriate level.

The learning framework is provided by the Coram Life Education (SCARF) scheme of work, from which teachers are able to obtain learning objectives that must be covered and ideas for activities for the children to reach these objectives. Teachers are able to select ideas from the framework knowing that the statutory objectives will be covered and the curriculum taught.  At the forefront of this is always the needs of the children. The main benefit of using the Coram Life Education (SCARF) scheme of work is that the modules are progressive – the skills that the children learn in any year are built upon in the following years. This enables a further development of skills and enables staff to track progression in learning.

As part of the PSHE curriculum, there are specific focus weeks that are in the academic calendar. November has an anti-bullying focus, where the children are reminded about the behaviours that constitute bullying, how to stand up to bullying and how to seek out help regarding bullying. Class teachers will have discussions about bullying as part of the morning work but also have this as a focus for that week’s PSHE lesson. February focuses on Children’s Mental Health where a range of activities are run during the day for the staff to teach the children and involve them in. Again, the PSHE lesson for that week has a focus on mental health and well-being.

PSHE is an important foundation subject as many life skills learnt within these sessions are transferrable between subjects, in social situations within school and as part of everyday life in the community. An emphasis is placed on the children thinking about certain situations and scenarios from different people’s points of view. This then allows children to see how and why we use restorative justice when social issues arise, as they will be aware of the context in which the member of staff assisting them is approaching from. The children will be familiar with this as it is used across all year groups and key stages within school.

In response to the scenarios being presented to them, the children may be asked to complete a task around some of the following areas:

  • Writing a response to a scenario such as a response to an agony aunt letter.
  • Role plays to investigate ‘what if’ scenarios.
  • Discussions with peers who hold the same views and opinions.
  • Discussions with peers who hold different views and opinions and challenging their views courteously, but also understanding other viewpoints.
  • Drawings about feelings, outcomes of actions or to investigate themes such as stereotyping.


Our PSHE curriculum is carefully structured to ensure that the children’s skills are built upon and the units of work allow teachers to see progression and how to build on a child’s prior knowledge. As part of this, teachers encourage and model the use of topic specific language in the appropriate contexts.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • Assessing children’s understanding of topic linked vocabulary before the unit is taught by asking questions such as ‘Has anyone heard of _____?’ or ‘What does ______mean to you?’
  • Summative assessment of pupils understanding by asking questions based around discussions that groups may be having or asking a child to explain why they have written or drawn what they have.
  • Photographs of the children’s practical learning (where appropriate).
  • Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice).
  • Folder scrutinies, where the head of department will meet with a member of SLT to look at examples of good work, progress and understanding and areas for development for both staff and the children.
  • Feedback to parents via the end of term report where children either receive a grading of ‘working towards the expected standard’, ‘achieving the expected standard’ or ‘exceeding the expected standard’.
  • Highlighting of the learning objective and relevant success criteria. In depth marking should only be used on longer, written pieces of work or when identified by the individual teacher as being required.


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