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Bromham CofE Primary School



Admissions & Applications

Come and visit us

You will find lots of information about our school on our website, but visiting us will help you to know whether this really is the right school for your child. Every year in October we open the school on a Saturday morning for prospective parents to visit with their children. We also offer additional dates during the Autumn Term. These dates are designed for parents of children who will be starting school the following September. If the set dates are not convenient, we will happily show you around at a mutually convenient time. If you are looking to join us mid-year, or in any other year group and would like to visit in advance of making an application, please contact the school office on 01234 822784 to make an appointment and a member of staff will be pleased to give you a tour of the school.

The Governing Body of the school agrees admissions numbers annually, and currently these are set at a maximum of 90 children per year group up to Year 3 and then 60 for Years 4-6. It is possible to apply at any point during the school year. Bedford Borough Council acts as admissions authority for the school and can be contacted by phone or online:

Contacts - School Admissions:

School Admissions Service Borough Hall
Cauldwell Street
MK42 9AP 

Phone: 01234 718120
Fax: 01234 228 846
Email: admissions@bedford.gov.uk
