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Bromham CofE Primary School

Our History

Our History

We are a village school founded over 150 years ago with a strong community heritage. We are a Values School. This means the whole school is committed to understanding and demonstrating values such as friendship, trust and peace. Our values are founded in Christianity and are common to major world religions. They are an important part of being a good citizen anywhere in the world.

We are a Church of England Voluntary Controlled school. This means that the Church exercises an influence on the school – owning some of the buildings and being represented on the Governing Body. However, the financial costs involved in running and maintaining the school are paid by the Local Authority. We adhere to the RE Agreed Syllabus for Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton, 2012-2017 and uphold the requirements of the 1989 Education Act by which Religious Education is broadly Christian whilst acknowledging that we live in a multi-faith and multi-cultural society.

Daily acts of worship take place in school. We can assure parents that our school exerts no pressure on children to become worshipping Christians or to take part in activity that will compromise the approach to faith from within the home. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural welfare of the child is of prime concern to us. However, Christian values are built into our ethos and teaching and are reflected in the cycle of our daily acts of Worship.

The range of 'Collective Worships' currently timetabled on our fortnightly rota include Values assemblies led by our Head Teacher and Senior Leaders, Quiet worship reflecting on the Values and/or on the current SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) theme, Pupil led worship, Celebration worship, Singing assemblies and ‘Open the Book’ worship. Reverend Catherine comes in regularly to lead Collective Worship and we encourage visitors from other faiths to talk to the children about their beliefs and how they worship.