Bromham PTA
Welcome to the Bromham CofE Primary School PTA
Everyone with a child at school is a member of the PTA. You are very welcome to attend any meeting and to be on the PTA email list. Our current Chair is Simon Pond, and our Vice Chair is Chloe Crowther. We are Mums and Dads, full-time and part-time workers & others are at home looking after their children – a real mixed bunch.
We hold fundraising events throughout the year that provide lots of fun for the children & parents. The money we raise enhances the education and experience of all the children in our school. Our sincere thanks go to everyone who has contributed to our events in the past and to everyone who comes and supports the events - we know how precious your time is.
We'd love to hear from you
Send us an email or stop us in the playground to have a chat. We're always here to help out in whatever way we can, or simply submit the following form and we'll get back to you just as soon as possible:
PTA AGM Chair's Report October 2022
Bromham Primary PTA School Accounts 2022
Follow us on Facebook
Here are some of the fundraising events that we are planning for the school year.
Pyjama Party/Film Night – A film night after school with the children dressed in pyjamas (cuddly toy optional!)
Mufti Days – The children come to school in their own clothes in exchange for either £1 or in return for bringing in a jam or coffee jar filled with wrapped sweets (Village Road site) or a prize for the tombola (Grange Lane site).
Quiz Night – Pit your wits against our quiz master!
Christmas Fair – Games, stalls for adults, refreshments & Santa’s Grotto!
Bags 2 School – Fill dustbin bags with old clothes, paired shoes etc - perfect for a clear out! We receive money depending on the weight of the collection.
BromFest & Summer Fete – In July, the children put on a wonderful outdoor concert. There are lots of stalls, cakes, and games for the children too.
But we can’t do it without parents giving up a little bit of time to help out.
How can you help..?
Helping out and coming to meetings is a great way to meet new people, get to know the school and to have your say on PTA business. Your children will be so excited to see you helping out at school events!
There are a lots of small ways you can help - from designing a poster, writing a newsletter, photocopying PTA letters in the school, setting up before or tidying up after an event, helping out on a stall, shopping for supplies, asking local businesses for raffle prizes, collecting jam jars, donating a cake – none of these take much time and are a great way to feel part of our school community.
You can even help from home.
Make a Donation
To make a donation to the PTA, and the future success of the children at Bromham Primary School, please click here, thank you.
Cash for Coins
If you or any family members have been lucky enough travel overseas, we are asking everyone to save their left over foreign currency coins or notes which we can exchange in return for Pounds Sterling for our PTA funds. The year that raises the most money will win a prize!
Give as You Live
Perfect for all avid Internet shoppers or anyone doing a one-off shop, you can sign up now to
Every time you buy something from loads of popular websites (including Amazon, Tesco & John Lewis) a small percentage is donated to the PTA fund. This is a great way to raise money at no cost to you.
Easy2name Labels
When you label your childs clothes, lunchbox & drinks bottles, will donate 20% of your order value to the PTA fund. Look in your pack for a leaflet or simply add “Bromham Lower School MK43“ to your online order at
Look out for letters from the PTA in your child’s school bag & notices on the whiteboards in the playground.
We look forward to meeting you soon.