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Bromham CofE Primary School

Our Vision and Ethos

Our Christian Vision and Ethos


Our vision is to provide a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment rooted in Christian values. In partnership with the wider community, we strive to enable everyone in our school to build strong foundations for the future, seize opportunities with confidence and have high aspirations, recognising the unique potential of every child to flourish in God’s love.

Linked Bible Verse

Jesus said, ‘Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.’ (Matthew7: 24-27)


We use the parable of The Wise Man who built his house upon a rock to illustrate the importance of building on strong foundations. At Bromham CofE Primary School, every child is encouraged to be resilient like the wise man, tackling challenges with grit and determination to succeed.

We promote our Christian values throughout school life to allow pupils to build strong foundations of their own. Our school values are as follows:  Respect, Resilience, Agape, Happiness, Quality, Creativity, Service, Forgiveness, Trust, Compassion and Courage.

What we believe in…

Bromham CofE Primary School is committed to inclusivity, ensuring opportunities for all pupils and staff regardless of race, gender or disability. Our unique pupil experience nurtures each individuals’ passions and drives adventure and ambition enabling all our children to fulfil their potential.

Our dedicated and hardworking staff encourage pupils to fulfil their potential both personally and academically through stimulating and creative lessons and enriching experiences within and beyond the classroom.

Equality of opportunity for all pupils is a key priority at Bromham, and we encourage every pupil to become increasingly responsible for their learning. Pupils are inspired to take their place in our ever-changing world and to work both independently and collaboratively, whilst displaying an awareness for others and the world around them.